Dragon Yoga and Activities for Kids

What is true treasure? Dragons have been known to guard treasure, protecting it from being stolen by warriors, knights, and kings.

However, true treasure is something we have inside of us, not something we seek. Practice gratitude for all that we are and all that we have with Dragon Yoga and Activities for Kids.

Here are a few fun facts about Dragons!

  • Dragons are mythical creatures that have roots in many cultures, including Greece, India, China, Europe, and South America.

  • Dragons resemble dinosaurs and other extinct reptilian creatures…maybe the fossils of these extinct creatures led to myth about dragons?

  • In European legends, dragons are portrayed as vicious creatures, terrorizing people and being fought by knights and heroes.

  • In Chinese and Japanese cultures, dragons are kind creatures and symbols of good luck and fortune.

  • Dragons come in different forms, have different powers or abilities, and some can fly.

  • Dragons breath fire, and this can be a form of being in touch with one’s inner strength.

  • Dragons can be portrayed as guarding treasure or special places.

  • Learn more interesting facts about dragons here.

Here are 5 Dragon Yoga Activities for Kids

Dragon Pose - Low Lunge

  • Begin in Table Pose, hands and knees

  • From Table Pose, step one leg up between your hands.

  • Bring your hands inside your leg and the leg to the outside.

  • Take your hands up to your knee, or reach for the sky

  • Breath in, and then breath out like a dragon, ROAR!

Child doing gratitude breathing

Dragon Breathing - Unleash your inner strength and power with Dragons breath! Roar!!

  • Begin in Easy pose (seated)

  • Breathe in and reach your arms out to the sides and over your head, palms touching.

  • Breathe out and ROAR like a dragon, as your arms come back down.

  • Breathe in again and repeat.

  • Feel your inner strength and power!

Women Meditating

Dragon’s Treasure Meditation - Dragons have been known to guard treasure from knights and kings. They have also been known to protect knowledge, wisdom and magical places. Treasure can be anything we find special or important. So, what do you treasure? Let’s practice Dragon’s Treasure Meditation to find out what treasure is held in your heart.

Listen to Dragon’s Treasure Meditation Podcast below:

Boxes for gratitude project

Dragon’s Treasure boxes - Dragon’s Treasure boxes are a great way to stay grateful and appreciative of all that you have, and all that you are. Leaving little notes for each other to say “thank you” shows appreciation for your family. Collecting special tokens that bring you strength and light keeps you feeling beautiful and bright. Be creative with this project, and keep your “Dragon’s Treasure” box in a safe place.


  1. Tissue or Tea or Shoe Boxes

  2. Markers, stickers, colorful duct tape

  3. Paper and pencils

To Do:

  1. Decorate your boxes anyway you wish.

  2. Leave a hole, space at the top for gratitude notes, or treasure.

  3. Place your Dragon’s Treasure box in a special place.

  4. Put notes of gratitude in the box, or tokens of treasure.

  5. Choose a day to empty the box and read the notes to the family, or honor your “treasures”

  6. Example: "Thank you mom for making a delicious dinner last night!" or “Thank you son for keeping your room clean!”

Twisted dragon pose

More Dragon Yoga & Gratitude Practice

Do you feel more like a dragon now?

Dragons do not have to be vicious or dangerous, they are powerful and strong. Dragons are colorful and bright, creative and full of wisdom. And so are you! Dragons are a symbol of our inner strength to overcome challenges that we may face in life. No matter where you go, or what you do, you will have the strength and light of a dragon inside of you. 🐲

Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20+ years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for the kids yoga blog come from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.


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