New Moon Yoga & Activities for Kids
The New Moon occurs every 28-30 days during the year. It’s the time during the month when the moon is between the Earth and Sun, so it does not get it’s glow from the Sun’s reflection of light. This is also a time of new beginnings, trying new things and setting new intentions, goals, and ideas. Here are a few New Moon Yoga & Activities to practice with children that may help them become more aware of nature, cycles, and the world around them.
Learn About the Moon
First things first, teach children about the moon and the different phases of the moon’s cycle around the Earth. The Moon receives it’s glow from the Sun’s light reflecting off it’s surface. As it travels round the Earth, it change’s “shape” or receives different amounts of light depending on the position around the Earth. Below is a picture of this process and the names of the different phases.
Moon Salutations
Once children have learned about the phases of the Moon, practice Moon Salutations and move the body through the yoga poses that are similar to the phases of the moon. Ask children to share which pose matches which phase of the moon. Come up with different names of the pose that correspond with the Moon phases. Notice how the body changes shape like the moon through each cycle of the salutations.
Extended Mountain
Crescent Moon both sides
Goddess Pose
Star Pose
Triangle Pose
Folded Triangle
Low Lunge
Half Squat
Half Squat
Low Lunge
Folded Triangle
Star Pose
Goddess Pose
Crescent Moon Pose both sides
Here is the Moon Salutation Practice in action by my dear friend and collogue Miranda Peterson Harton, owner and founder of Namaste in Nature.
Moon Journal
After learning about the Moon, another idea is to keep a moon journal and watch the changes of the moon as they happen during a months time. Children can take it further by noting their feelings during certain phases of the moon. Use this New Moon activity to go outside, look at the sky and enjoy the nature around us.
New Ideas, Activities, Adventures
Okay, now we are getting in to the heart of the New Moon Activities. And this will be a tough one, because most children don’t like trying anything new. So now is a good time to suggest the possibility of the new thing and see how it goes. Setting the intention to try new things is just as important as doing them. Travel to a new place, begin a new book, try a new class, hike a new trail, eat a new food are just a few examples of new things to do during the New Moon.
Be Creative
Speaking of new things, take this time during the New Moon to learn something new. As a family build something, create art or practice your favorite craft. Start a new project. Whether it is a direct activity or free art play, it’s fun to be together as a family being creative.
Here is a Kids Yoga Blog about the importance of being free play and being creative.
Vision Board
One fun and creative practice could be creating a vision board. The practice of setting intentions and revisiting those intentions each month can be powerful. Create a vision board to manifest your dreams, or support the dreams of your children. Use magazines to find fun pictures and create a vision board during the New Moon.
Clean the Space
The New Moon phase is a good time to clean your space to let in the new. Clean your room, clean out the closet, a drawer, a toy box, anything that needs a nice little spruce!
Have you tried meditation with your child? After cleaning the space and setting intentions, use the New Moon energy to give it a go. Here is a simple guide practice called Starlight Meditation.
Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20 years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for this resource page comes from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.