A Summer’s Review
At the beginning of the Summer 2023, I wrote a 3 part series of Kids Yoga Blogs about life as a children’s yoga teacher.
The last of those blogs ended with the next steps I was taking this summer to build my children’s yoga teacher offerings and business. This is the review of the summer, successes and challenges of all the intentions that I set. Get up to speed by reading the 3 previous Kids Yoga Blogs beginning with Yoga with Ms. Brandon the Lost Year.
Let’s begin with a check in on those Goals:
✅ Goal #1: Create a Podcast
I did it! Yoga with Ms. Brandon: Meditation and Relaxation Practices podcast was created. 8 Episodes have been uploaded so far, with more to come. I wanted to get a library going and then attempt to create 1 or 2 each month in the future. Several of the meditations are ones I guide guests through when leading yoga hikes.
⛔ Goal #2: Update YouTube
Nope. I tried though. I had a brainstorming call with a YouTube creator, and attempted to create a video from a guided meditation I had recorded for the podcast. But it’s a whole other learning curve that I didn’t have time to put the energy into. It’s okay, I’m not that upset about it. I had a lot to do this summer so had to cut my losses here.
✅ Goal #3: Road Map
YES! Themes and ideas for the rest of the year are all mapped out. September will be about the Air Element, Heart Chakra, and Breathing. October will be the Element of Sound, Mythical Creatures, and Creativity. In November we return to the Earth Element, Animals and Native American Culture. And finally, December will be the Element of Light, Intuition Chakra, and Winter Solstice DIY Retreat. Sign up for my newsletter to keep connected!
✅ Goal #4: Create Content
Mmm, Kind of. I’m giving myself a check mark here since I did create all those podcasts. And the Kids Yoga Blogs. But I did not create a bunch of content for the free kids resources and kids yoga lesson plans like I wanted. I did, however, find a creative flow for the resources and blogs. So as the year progresses and I create more, I can just use the outline and plug in the info. Check out the Mermaid Yoga & Activities for Kids to see an example.
Successes and Challenges.
With any well intentioned plan, there will be a few road blocks on the way to the destination. But that is all part of the process. We begin with an idea, a plan, a dream, and when we put it to practice, we realize the practicality of the dream is work. Here are few things I learned on my journey this summer.
Finding a Routine is Key - Establishing a routine for work tasks and sticking to it helped me be more efficient. Brainstorming ideas, making lists and staying on a time schedule were all ways I was able to be productive.
Take Time Away - My home is my work space and my rest space. So making myself take time away from work and rest was important. A few times I would have to say to myself, “no work today!” And then try and find something else to do. Hiking, reading, yoga and home projects kept me busy and allowed the ideas to simmer in the background.
Naps Are Great! - Taking an afternoon nap to “reset” from one project to the next was helpful for the creative flow. Resting the brain is a very important part of the creative process. Many “creatives” do it. Some days it was just a 20 minute power nap, others I slept longer. However, most afternoons I would wake up inspired and ready to work.
The Learning Curve - Learning new things is hard! It’s fun to have the ideas and desire, but then learning a new skill can be tough. Frustration and irritation were emotions that would rise up. At those times I would step away and do something else, coming back later to start again.
Know When to Say When - The only work I had to do was the work I made for myself. I could make more or less. Sometimes I would have too much to do and feel overwhelmed. That’s when I would cut back and just work on the necessary task. Lists are helpful.
What’s Next?
Back to Evergreen I go! As the new school year begins in August 2023, I am going back to facilitating creative play in a safe and kind space with a wonderful crew of children and staff. I will still be guiding yoga hikes and teaching kids yoga classes, as well as continuing to build content for Yoga with Ms. Brandon. Stay connected and…
Wish me luck!
Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20 years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for the kids yoga blog come from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.