My First BLOG Ever…
And so it begins…my first BLOG ever.
Here’s the deal, I am rebranding and rebooting my Kids Yoga Teacher practice. SO many things have changed over the past year and a few months. I just don’t know where to begin, maybe I will start with the little elevator speech I give folks when they ask me about my job.
I am Children’s Yoga Teacher and have been for about 7 years. I taught yoga in after school programs at charter schools, libraries, and public schools all around Asheville NC. My business was growing, and more schools were asking for yoga programs, clients were inquiring about private yoga therapy, and a local church wanted me to come teach yoga and mediation to their children.
And then everything abruptly ended. Flash! Gone, all of it. Because of the nationwide shutdown due to COVID. All of the children’s yoga communities that I had built in schools and the library disappeared. Schools closed, and we all went virtual to continue learning and making connections with each other. But it just wasn’t the same.
I tried teaching yoga on Zoom for a few months, but that didn’t last. Too much screen time for kids is my opinion. Not Healthy, not natural, and not my preferred way to teach children. Teaching in person, face to face, is were I get the most feedback. I love it. I love teaching kids. I love teaching yoga.
I tried creating at home yoga programs for kids and their families to do yoga together. And that worked for awhile, through the fall and winter months. But still we are social creatures and need a social outlet other than the people in our family. We crave human contact and spending time with the same folks, (who we love!) all the time can be exhausting for everyone.
Enter the NEW Yoga with Ms. Brandon website! I ditched the old website that served as a place holder for me and my services, for a new and improved website with an online store. My thought was, “If I can’t teach the kids yoga classes now, why not share some of my favorite yoga lesson plans with others. Maybe my ideas will reach kids through other kids yoga teachers.”
So far it has been pretty successful. Many of the lesson plans have been bought by kids yoga teachers in the US and all over the world. Australia, New Zealand, France, England, Singapore, Canada, and Germany just to name a few. I can officially say that I am internationally known. Which is pretty cool.
Okay, so that was not an elevator speech. But I think I have the hang of this Blogging thing. It was my first one ever, you know, so be kind.