Earth Day Should Be Everyday!
We celebrate Earth Day every year during the month of April, but what about the rest of the year?
In April 2023, I was inspired to create a week long Earth Day themed yoga and activities for my kids yoga classes. It was a big success. And that got me thinking…Why only do this once a year? Earth Day should be everyday!
Let’s begin with a few Earth Day facts:
Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd
The very first Earth Day was in 1970
Earth Day began in the USA
Earth Day reminds and teaches us to take care of our environment
Earth Day teaches us about plastic pollution, it takes 450 years for plastic to break down!
Billions of people in over 140 countries celebrate Earth Day
Here are 5 ways to celebrate the Earth everyday
Go Outside in Nature
Spend time outside sitting or laying down and watch the clouds roll by
Walk around your yard or neighborhood
Go for a hike in the woods
Do yoga outside
Sit by a creek with your feet in the water
Take your shoes off and feel the grass, mud, water between your toes.
Be Mindful of Resources
Use only what you need, turn off the water when not using, turn off the lights when not using.
Turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth can save 8 gallons of water a day!
Leave the flowers on the stem, leave the rocks on the ground, and leave the leaves on the trees.
Buy only what you need
Eat all the food you buy
Use a reusable water bottle (no plastic!)
Grow Something
Keep a house plant or two
Hang up ferns and other plants outside
Grow a few flower bushes
Plant a small garden
Have a window garden of fresh herbs
No green thumb? Donate to plant a tree organization
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce the amount of plastic you buy.
Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags at the grocery store.
Reuse plastic grocery bags as trash bags.
Reuse plastic bags and plastic containers.
Recycle everything that you can.
Pick up trash and put it a trash can
Donate or give away things you do not need or want
Buy products made from recycled or upcycled materials if possible
Practice Yoga & Meditation
Practicing yoga and meditation allows us to connect with ourselves from within, and this connect creates an awareness of the beauty that surrounds us, Our Earth, Our Home.
How are you going to celebrate Earth Day everyday?
With small changes to our daily routine it is possible to make a huge impact on the future of our planet. April 22nd should not be the only day we celebrate this beautiful world we ALL live in together. But change begins with YOU. What small changes can you make today?
In its lifetime, one reusable bag can prevent the use of 600 plastic bags.
Recycling one can of soda will save enough energy to power a tv for three hours.
Shutting down a computer when it's not in use cuts the energy consumption by 85 percent.
For every mile walked instead of driven, nearly one pound of pollution is kept out of the air.
Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20 years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for the kids yoga blog come from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.