Mermaid Yoga and Activities for Kids
Mermaid yoga is one of my most popular kids yoga classes and lesson plans. Why?
Is it because mermaids are beautiful? Is it because mermaids are mysterious? Or is it because Disney turned the myth of mermaids in to something magical? Here are a few facts about mermaids:
A mermaid is a female creature with a head and upper body like women, and lower body as a fish tail
Mermaids live in the water or ocean and can breath underwater and on land
The word mermaid comes from the Old English word “mere” which means “sea” and maid the word for a young women.
Mermaids would sing to sailors, distracting them from their work and sometimes lead them to their doom
Mermaids would attempt to save drowning sailors
Several different cultures cite mermaid stories and siting’s
Mermaids were thought to be very vain, and preferred combs and mirrors as presents
Mermaids have long beautiful hair of different colors, and tails of shining shimmering colors
Learn more about Mermaids here: Mermaid Facts for Kids
Here are 5 Mermaid Yoga activities
Mermaid Pose
Sit with your legs to one side
Twist your upper body towards the direction of the knees
Look to the front, Smile!
Switch sides
Bring hands behind you and “swish your mermaid tail” side to side. (Move knees up and over and back again.)
Read Mermaid Books
How to Catch a Mermaid by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton is the one I read in my kids yoga classes. It’s about a group of kids that try to catch a mermaid with shiny things, but she keeps escaping! It’s a beautiful ending and true to the magical myth of mermaids.
Other Mermaid Books: The Mermaid by Jan Brett, The Tiniest Mermaid by Laura Garnham, & The Singing Mermaid
by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks.
Ocean Breath
Ocean Breathing – Make the sound of the ocean at the back of the throat as you breathe in and out. If it helps, try breathing in and out of the mouth like you are fogging up a mirror. Put a hand in front of you face as a mirror and try this a few times, then close the mouth and try Ocean Breath with the mouth closed and see if you can hear the sound.
Make a Mermaid Catcher! - because mermaids like shiny things, but also to promote mindfulness and calming.
Water Bottles – preferably already full, but reusing plastic water bottles, or a glass jar is also great. Old Nalgene
Glitter Glue
Food Coloring
Gorilla Glue
Fill an empty water bottle/jar about ¾ of the way to the top. Or drink the water from an already full bottle
Add glitter glue to the bottle. Either a lot, or a little. The more you add, the more glitter has to settle.
Choose color and place TWO drops of color to the bottle
Put lid back on TIGHTLY and shake to see the outcome
Add more glitter glue or color to obtain the desired effect.
When happy with the glitter jar’s effect, dry all parts of the bottle, including the top and put gorilla glue inside of the top to seal the glitter jar.
Shake it up and then watch the glitter fall, breathing like a mermaid.
More Mermaid Facts, Yoga &
What do you think?
Why are mermaids so magical? Perhaps it is because it allows us to imagine what it would be like to live under the sea. The ocean is a vast and mysterious place and mermaids can live in both worlds, the known and unknown. Mermaids protect us from the mysteries of the sea while giving us something to live for on Earth.
Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20 years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for the kids yoga blog come from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.