It All Begins with Giving
As a single independent women trying to make a living, living her dream, I needed to work multiple jobs.
In the Fall of 2022, when the bookings from guiding yoga hikes became fewer and farther between, I decided to put forth more time an effort in to the Yoga with Ms. Brandon website and try to generate more income from teaching and lesson planning for children. However, I was still pretty busy with the other 2 jobs I was currently working at Evergreen Community Charter School and Namaste in Nature, so I need to make my time worth more and focus on private yoga sessions and yoga birthday parties for kids.
I started slow.
With a few Facebook posts of the previous blogs and kids yoga resources I had created a year ago, and giving away free lesson plans, I began to build a following. People began to go to my website, sign up for my newsletter and download the kids yoga lesson plans. And I did it all by giving away things for free!
This feedback gave me validation to develop more kids yoga lesson plans, blogs and free resources, and the creative journey began to flow!
By continuing the Facebook promotions and creating a weekly newsletter, I gained a lot of interest in my website content. Requests came in for yoga birthday parties, another library contacted me to teach Tiny Tots and Kids Yoga classes for them, and people began to pay for the kids yoga lesson plans I created. Wow!
A wonderful problem.
As the interest and paying jobs increased, so went the time to create fresh new content and kids yoga lesson plans. I still was working 2 other jobs, and the children’s yoga business was growing in to job #3. There is a lot of backend work that goes in to building a brand and business that takes time, but does not pay at all. It’s a wonderful problem, but a problem none the less
After a little reflection and journaling, I came up with a temporary solution:
I decided to invest in me.
Ms. Brandon, RCYT, RYT500, holds a Master's degree in Special Education from Western Carolina University, is a highly qualified educator, and has 20 years' experience working with children and children with special needs. Information for the kids yoga blog come from Ms. Brandon’s 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training RCYS, and is approved by Yoga Alliance.